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ISO 14067 Standard Product Carbon Footprint (CFP) With Product Carbon footprint is being used more and more as a competitive advantage in sectoral markets. The ISO 14067 Product Carbon Footprint standard defines how the calculation should be made, how system boundaries are selected, including use stage and end-of-life, and the principles, requirements and guidelines for calculating the carbon footprint of products. Greenhouse gases can be released and removed throughout a product's life cycle, which includes raw material sourcing, design, manufacturing, shipping/delivery, use, and end-of-life processes.

















Why Product Carbon Footprint?

As explained in the previous chapters, the increase of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Atmosphere causes climate change. One of the biggest reasons for the increase in Greenhouse Gas Emissions is shown as human activities, namely industrialization.  As industrialization becomes widespread, CO2, N2O, PFC, HFC, etc. gases in the atmosphere, which have the effect of Greenhouse Gas, also increase.

In this sense, the world public opinion, the United Nations and governments are taking various measures to combat climate change, various International Agreements are signed within the scope of combating climate change, and they are working to bring greenhouse gases to a certain level in the atmosphere.

Governments, organizations and companies are working on reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions. In this sense, besides the standards such as the calculation of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions and reductions given to the atmosphere at the Enterprise Level, the calculation of the reductions of the Gas Emissions on the basis of the Project, the ISO 14067 Product Carbon Footprint Standard, in which the greenhouse gas emissions and reductions of the products are made, has been established.

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