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While industries are aware that they directly and indirectly contribute to and must respond to water scarcity and water pollution, they are beginning to explore the water footprint and work to conserve the water on our planet.
The main factors that will affect the future of global water resources are: population growth, economic growth, changes in production and trade patterns, increased water competition due to increasing demands for domestic, industrial and agricultural purposes, and usage patterns of different sectors. society will respond to increasing water scarcity and pollution. These factors were also noted in Global Water Futures 2050, a preparatory study by UNESCO and the United Nations World Water Assessment Program on how to create next-generation water scenarios (Cosgrove and Cosgrove, 2012 , Gallopín, 2012).













ISO 14064 Water Footprint

ISO 14046:2014 specifies the principles, requirements and guidelines for water footprint assessment of products, processes and organizations based on life cycle assessment (LCA).

ISO 14046:2014 provides principles, requirements and guidelines for conducting and reporting a water footprint assessment, either as an independent assessment or as part of a more comprehensive environmental assessment.

Only air and soil emissions that affect water quality are included in the assessment and all air and soil emissions are not included.
The result of the water footprint assessment is a profile of a single value or impact indicator results.

While reporting is within the scope of ISO 14046:2014, communicating water footprint results, for example in the form of labels or statements, is outside the scope of ISO 14046:2014.

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